Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Black Friday.
After we ingest all the turkey, cranberries, beer and our yearly dose of Thanksgiving football, it’s time to shop for the best deals of the year. [sc:Other240banner ]
Black Friday is even bigger than Thanksgiving football, and in order to get the most out of your shopping experience, you need to be as focused and prepared as an athlete. Black Friday can be intimidating for amateur and professional shoppers, alike.
So to get you into game shape, we’re going to provide you with some tips for your shopping experience. Don’t go into the big day unprepared — chalk up your Black Friday game plan!
Here are 10 tips for a successful Black Friday experience:
1. Make your list ahead of time, prioritize it
In sports, game plans are a big part of what determines a team’s success.
Same goes for shopping, people. If you’re making all your game day decisions on the fly and other shoppers are sticking to a tight game plan, you’re going to have trouble. Make a list of the stuff you want to buy and commit to it. At the end of the day, you’ll go home happy knowing you got what you wanted.
2. Have a store strategy
For Black Friday, stores often plan designated line up areas, promos, products in package deals, or even direct the flow of the store to form a single path for shoppers. They’ve done their homework, gathered their data and made a call based on their experiences.
Sound familiar?
The stores scouted the shoppers, much like how teams study their opponents. We suggest that shoppers also research which stores they plan to hit and in what order. Check out the deals they’re offering up, where the prized items are placed and how to get there without violating any store policies.
Just like in sports and in life, it pays to be prepared, so study up shoppers!
3. Take advantage of social media
In this technologically advanced age, the internet is of prime importance in just about everything we do. We all have the ability to be plugged in 24/7.
Stores are going to be giving their social media audiences an inside edge all day long. This means promos that aren’t advertised elsewhere, last minute sale items and even some of their own tips for a successful shopping experience. Take advantage of that intel.
4. Shop with a friend
There’s no “I” in team, folks. Join forces with friends who are just as psyched about Black Friday as you are, and who want to shop the same stores. That way, one of you can carry the bags, wait in line at the bustling cashier or play catch with some big ticket items in the busy aisles.
Consider the disposition and experience of those one your team. Leave grouchy husbands and wives, teary-eyed kids or toddlers at home. These individuals are going to slow you down, and won’t come through when you need a big play. You’re going to want individuals of a high character going with you into the big day.
5. Be friendly
It’s that simple; don’t be like the psycho Richie Incognito.
You will be amazed at how people will help each other out, even during the competitive insanity of the Black Friday shopping frenzy.
If you approach any person, whether cashier or fellow shopper, they might even give you a few tips and tricks of their own. Make some shopping mall allies and it could pay off.
6. Avoid impulse purchases
Just like in sports, don’t try to do too much.
Make a list and stand by it. It’s OK to jump on those small ticket items that you happen upon by chance as you shop around, but set a budget and be aware of it. Don’t get lost in your purchases. Plan accordingly.
Remember, shoppers, the secret to game day success is a well planned and adhered to game plan.
7. Don’t give up!
Sports and shopping are all about resiliency. Don’t lose hope if your plays and plans don’t work out perfectly.
If the items you’re looking for aren’t on the shelf or display, check the front of the store where other shoppers may have abandoned some loot on their way to the register. Better yet, check with the cashier to see what returns they might be hiding behind their counter.
8. Have fun
One of the most important keys to a positive shopping experience is to let loose and have fun.
Try to not to be bothered by the crowds, enjoy the crispness in the air, the Christmas music and, of course, the savings. We always forget to let loose, because when it comes to shopping, we always think about the last item, the comparison of prices, the growing mound of purchases in our car trunks.
Forget about pressuring yourself and just have fun. You’ll shop better because of it.
9. Unwind
Relax a little bit and take a look at what you’ve done and what you’re about to do. If the pressure of getting that last gadget or that multi-purpose toolbox gets to you, go out for breakfast or lunch, especially if you are with a group of friends teaming up on Black Friday.
People are usually still shopping at breakfast, so they tend to do lunch instead. This gives them time to reminisce about the night/morning of intense shopping they’ve just had and all the sweet deals they scored.
Consult with your teammates while sitting down and watching the rest of the shopping world run frantic. This will give you a little time to energize, update your game plan and get focussed before a hectic drive home through Black Friday traffic.
10. Cyber Monday
Missed any items on your list? You caught the shopping bug and are looking to keep the streak alive?
Well, Cyber Monday is your next and best opportunity.
Fix the internet cables in your house, research the promos and purchase yourself a case of energy drinks, because you just might be surfing the stores
Don’t forget to share your shopping tips with us on Facebook and Twitter, and to check out all the deals we’ve got going on over at the sportsbook.
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