While the fourth season of Game of Thrones has been breaking ratings and download records, the landscape of this year’s NBA Playoffs may overshadow the impending doom that constantly looms over the show.
Seven kingdoms have a right to the trophy but all but one will stand once the battlefield is cleared of fallen warriors and failed suitors for the throne.
7 Teams who have a legitimate claim to the 2014 NBA Championship
One year ago the NBA battle for greatness left us with two teams: the new kings of the south who valued wealth and glory; and the old sovereigns from the Alamo, who quietly outlasted many false prophets along the way. This season the war of the 7 Kingdoms stretches from the glamour of South Beach, across the fields of Indiana, to the SoCal beaches.
Miami Heat – “The King can do as he Likes”
Unlike in the show (spoiler alert for those who haven’t seen this season of GoT), this King’s reign continues, but not for long. Any of the other 6 teams can lay a web of deceit, brutality, and ungodly wills which are all powerful enough to leave LeBron James choking for air. Weakness and in-fighting swept across the Eastern Conference this season with so many teams failing to win 50 games. Somehow the King failed to rise to the top of the standings in this climate and even lost the MVP race.
One of greatest kings ever faced something similar not too long ago in his fight for a 3rd year as Champion. That year Michael Jordan led his two-time champions into the playoffs as the 3rd seed, while he failed to capture the MVP that season, he roared in the playoffs and managed to silence every critic with a resounding run to the three-peat.
Barring a poising or sinister injury, this king’s reign will continue til the Gods tell him otherwise. Perhaps inspired by Jordan himself, the attacking Bobcats can channel a hidden beast.
#2 Miami Heat (54-28) vs #7 Charlotte Bobcats (43-39) – View odds here
San Antonio Spurs – “We pay our Debts”
Vengeance is the most powerful motivator and especially so for the aging Kings of the Alamo who last year went down in flames after a collapse in the would-be series-clinching NBA Finals game 6 against the Heat. Like Stannis Baratheon they will not rest until the illegitimate Heat are extinguished. Miracles and witchcraft ripped victory from their hands in last year’s NBA Finals but channeling their own sorcery they’ve outpaced all upstart teams this season and raced back to the top. Their playoff wisdom is their power, but that same experience is what may weigh them down as they try to survive all the way to the Finals.
Their claim to the throne is undeniable and they warriors legendary, each driven by a hate for the Heat that runs deep after last year’s loss. Not far removed from a 19 game winning streak this season, they are the mightiest army of the 7 Kingdoms.
Will you dare bet against Tim Duncan? The last two decades have taught us it’s unwise. Unfortunately his foe, Dirk Mowitzki, has the same reputation of rising to the moment.
#1 San Antonio Spurs (62-20) vs #8 Dallas Mavericks (49-33) – View odds here
Oklahoma City Thunder – “Our Thunder is the Fury”
This season Kevin Durant and the OKC Thunder have lowered a thunderous boom on the NBA landscape. He might not be king yet but Durant put together a battlefield performance for stretches that we have not witnessed since Michael Jordan’s greatest years. All the comparisons of greatness and his personal accolades this year cannot satisfy KD’s craving for the ultimate victory – something that’s alluded him time after time.
Like Prince Oberyn of the House Martell, KD is an assassin with a grudge who will bide his time, then will slaughter all those standing between him and revenge. Next to him stands a healed Russell Westbrook who brings an Isiah Thomas-like intensity, which when combined with KD’s Jordanesque level of play, has put the NBA on notice.
No lead will be safe as long as KD and Westbrook are healthy because they can rip your heart out at any moment and that is exactly what they will want to do to the Grizzlies since it was they who ripped the Thunder apart in the 2013 NBA Playoffs.
#2 Oklahoma City Thunder (59-23) vs #7 Memphis Grizzlies (50-32) – View odds here
Indiana Pacers – “Death to the King”
The Hound shows no respect to his King and neither do the Pacers. Their entire purpose this season is to crush any remnants of past atrocities at the hand his wickness. Claiming the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference was a first step to denouncing any subservience to the Miami Heat, the second step will be shattering their playoff spell against that same familiar foe. Two straight years they’ve lost to them on the playoff battlefield, but this year their army of improving knights shouts “Death to the King” loudly.
God-willing the Conference Finals we all want will happen and we’ll be witness to a historic battle that will be remembered for decades.
Which Eastern banner do you support? Does any king from the East deserve support when teams as lowly as the under .500 Hawks make the playoffs?
#1 Indiana Pacers (56-26) vs #8 Atlanta Hawks (38-44) – View odds here
Chicago Bulls – “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”
Forgotten about in this War of the 7 Kingdoms are the Chicago Bulls. Once tapped to be the next great Kings from the east, their kin have been slaughtered or traded, and they tread in the shadows like Bran Stark, searching for an ultimate solution. Regardless of the circumstances this team has survived and turned every challenge into an inspiration because they’ve been carried by the powerful and loveable Joakim Noah. This powerful giant may be the team’s Hodor and also will be the NBA Defensive Play of the Year. Do not take him lightly when it comes to war.
Bettors should beware those who lurk in the darkness, they wield great power and the element of surprise. Remember however, these Bulls lost to the Wizards two out of three games this season.
#4 Chicago Bulls (48-34) vs #5 Washington Wizards (44-38) – View odds here
Los Angeles Clippers – “Wards of Lob City”
A powerful army rises in the west and they have sapped the old Lakers kingdom of it’s power and flair. Lob City now sits there mocking the Black Mamba and others who once shouted down to them generations ago. Their time will come,but will it be now? Not only did they win 17 straight games this season, Blake Griffin has taken his place on this season’s Mount Rushmore thanks to a breakout year.
Much like the House Tyrell, these Clippers have been biding their time and making new allegiances to help them claim dominance over the 7 Kingdoms. There is no doubt they have the army to do it, so why not this year? Answering that question will be the Warriors who have no shortage of bad blood towards these supposed high flyers.
#3 Los Angeles Clippers (57-25) vs #6 Golden State Warriors (51-31) – View odds here
Houston Rockets – “We Will Never Bow Down”
Those in the know have watched as powerful forces convene and grow in Houston. Some even say they are nurturing and grooming their two dragons – Dwight Howard and James Harden – in preparation for the true battle ahead. Their game is not one about reclaiming the thrones they vacated 20 years ago, their plan is to form an army that guarantees them a dynasty over the lands. Bowing down to no one, this will be a force to be reckoned with if they can steal a warrior from another team to create a three dragon assault.
With so much power and attention congregating atop the Western Conference standings, neither the Rockets or Blazers are expected to strike this season, but as any tactician knows, that is when you strike. Which will rise?
#4 Houston Rockets (54-28) vs #5 Portland Trailblazers (54-28) – View odds here
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