It’s almost time for the seventh season of the Walking Dead, above everything else though, it’s almost time to see who Negan decided to kill with his barbed bat – Lucille. Negan, played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, promised to terminate one of the gang and the odds are now in place for who’s head is next to roll.
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Who Dies in the First Episode of Walking Dead Season 7: Glenn, Rosita, Aaron, Abraham, Eugene, Daryl, Michonne, Maggie, Sasha, Carl, Rick and Negan Odds Update
Glenn (2/1)
Keep in mind, we’ve all been wrong before. Everyone thought Glenn may be dead last season but he somehow managed to escape demise-by-zombie once. This time around it’ll be demise-by-bat though, if the odds are correct. Looking at the facts, Rick has blood on the right side of his face. When Negan referenced his “Right Hand Man” he looked shell-shocked. Think about it too, if Maggie got the barbed bat treatment, Glenn would’ve been losing his mind. We heard nothing.
Rosita (3/1)
Rosita is definitely one of hottest additions to the show and it would a shame if she were to leave us. From her lovable role in Twilight to her PETA ad in 2010, the 26-year old actress originally from Pasadena has slowly crept her way into the main crew of the show (and our hearts). She’s still technically a “fringe” character though, which is why we doubt that she’d be on the chopping block. The Walking Dead has created so many “I’m never watching again” cliffhanger moments, that it’d be considered a total cop out if they went small with this one. They’ve left all of their fans waiting in anticipation, the show has to either go big or go home!
Aaron (3/1)
Remember when Shane died? Remember how much you cared? Well, take that emotion and subtract it by 100% if Aaron goes down. Nobody has gotten to know the character and his status on the show was forever marred by his lackluster entrance. The gang was stranded in a barn in the middle of a rainstorm. They all came out soaked to the bone and found Aaron wearing his brand new clean cut J Crew catalog selections. The world has gone to hell. Nobody has eaten a proper meal in years and this guy has been ordering from the Jay Peterman catalog. If he got the boot, nobody would be up in arms. There’d be no vigils. Now, read above. The show needs to go big on this one – Aaron’s character would be the opposite of that strategy.
Abraham (3/1)
Abraham seems to be the obvious choice for many and there are quite a few reasons for that. First off, he was the most defiant who stood when Negan challenged him. His whole, at peace with life chat earlier in the finale, also leads many to think he’s on the chopping block. He said he wants to start a family with Sasha, another red flag. In this show, whenever things start going too well, something brutal is always around the corner. Nobody can ever be too at ease in the world of the Walking Dead. Honest Abe seems to be a pretty likely choice.
Eugene (4/1)
Eugene started to etch his way into the comic-relief category. Nobody ever truly took him seriously with that mullet, but he started to become a quirky side character last season. So it really comes down to which direction does the show want to go in? It’s started to become a bit of a drama / romantic tale with Rick and Michonne’s new love showcase. Do they want to add comedy to it? If they do, they’ll keep him around. If they don’t, Eugene is going to get a major hair cut.
Daryl (10/1)
We hate to say it, but Daryl Dixon may be done for. We have absolutely no inside information but there’s some major signs pointing to his demise. First up, in the “Kill Scene” released by AMC, Negan drags Rick away and we see a blanket laying on the ground; Daryl was the only one wearing a blanket. The blood is also to the right of Rick; right where Daryl was seated. There’s blood splashed across Rick’s face on the right side; again where Daryl was seated. Rick hesitates when Negan mentions his “Right-Hand Man” and he is also clearly beyond irritated while threatening Negan. Way too many signs sadly point to the crossbow kid.
Michonne (10/1)
Michonne isn’t the obvious choice but there’s definitely a case to be made. She’s slowly become a mother-figure to Carl and the baby. She and Rick are now lovers. Also, as mentioned above, Rick was shaken and irritated beyond belief while threatening Negan. If Michonne goes down, perhaps Rick should stop falling for women altogether because that’ll be the third strike for the poor guy (Laurie, Jesse and Michonne).
Maggie (14/1)
This one would definitely sting the fan base a bit. Maggie has been a staple and there’s a good chance, although it’s certainly fading given her condition, that she could be carrying Glenn’s baby. Well, we know it’s Glenn’s baby actually, but her health is declining by the second. With that said, it would be an obvious choice, which is why we don’t see it happening.
Sasha (16/1)
At the end of season five, people were losing faith in the rogue lone wolf. She kept going off on her own. She was crazy. We all grew tired of the story line. Sasha reemerged revamped last season though and we got to know her character a bit better. We understood her kind of crazy and started to see her as one of the main crew. She displayed her own brand of bad ass on numerous occasions showing that she can truly handle herself and could definitely cut it in the new world. Why she may die, though, is pretty much solely because Abraham has fallen for her. There’s no other major reason why it would be a shocker to the masses if she was picked by Negan. If she goes down, the gang would all move on, however, Abraham would be damaged goods. It’s not that great of a story line, so we’re pretty sure it’s not going to be Sasha making the exodus in the season premiere.
Carl (25/1)
What else can go wrong for this kid, seriously? First off, he was the reason Dale died (let’s just get that out there). The next season he had to kill his Mom. He got shot in the eye and now he’s going to wear on a bat on his face? We don’t see it. Carl Grimes, we believe, will survive the final test and will move on to bigger and better things this season. Each year the Walking Dead has been further developing this kid’s manhood. They’ve given him long hair and an eye patch. They taught him how to use a gun. They’re slowly trying to make him more and more bad ass. They wouldn’t just throw in the towel in on their efforts now. Also, in the finale, whoever took the first bat shot got back up for a second. There’s no chance Carl is getting up from a barbed Louisville Slugger to the face.
Rick (50/1)
Well, we saw Rick in the new “Kill Scene” feature. So, in other words, we don’t see it. There’s only one scenario in which Rick dies and that’s if he dreamed the whole “Kill Scene” while being dead. Again, we don’t see it.
And now this…
Writer’s Prediction:
Thanks for coming out Abraham. You were great in the third Mighty Ducks movie. Happy trails buddy.
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