LEVEL UP - With each win you will earn POINTS towards reaching higher levels. The larger the win, the more the meter is filled.BONUS PATTERNS - To the left of the game, you will see a circle containing the bonus pattern. To earn the bonus pattern, you must earn exploding candies in the positions indicated in the bonus pattern. Clearing the bonus pattern adds additional ports towards your level score.HUNDREDS OF WAYS TO WIN! - Unlike a traditional video slot with its limited number of paylines, Sugar Pop offers hundreds of ways to win. All that is needed to trigger a win is 3 or more directly adjacent pieces of candy that are of the same color.SUPER COLOR CANDIES - When 4 of the same color create a combination, they will form a special SUPER COLOR symbol of the matching color.COLOR BOMB CANDY - When 5 or more candies of the same color create a combination, they will form a special COLOR BOMB symbol of the matching color.SPECIAL CANDIES - During gameplay, SPECIAL CANDIES may occur. These special candies may be created by a combination or they may just randomly appear amongst the other cascading candies.SCORE - Every time you get a win credit, your score increases.