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Experts’ Super Bowl Picks for 2014

Experts’ Super Bowl Picks for 2014

Some say that the Denver offense is too much for the Seahawks’ D to handle. That Peyton Manning will have a performance of a lifetime that not even a group of 11 Richard Shermans could stop. Of course, there is no shortage of Seahawks supporters who ardently believe that Seattle’s crippling defense will be a reason for Knowshon Moreno to have a Super Bawl moment.

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Who do experts think will win the Super Bowl?

Football Experts/Writers

Experts have also tossed in their picks to add fuel to the fire of the raging debates currently consuming the nation. For this article, we picked four media outlets that had their resident writers and personalities to pick the Super Bowl XLVIII winner.

CBS Sports

The experts over at CBS Sports could not be more divided, split evenly down the middle, four forecast a Denver victory while the other four predict the Seahawks (slight underdogs)  to snatch the Super Bowl XLVIII victory.



Pete Prisco

Denver Broncos

Jason La Canfora

Seattle Seahawks

Will Brinson 

Denver Broncos

Josh Katzowitz 

Denver Broncos

Ryan Wilson

Seattle Seahawks

John Breech 

Seattle Seahawks

Dave Richard 

Seattle Seahawks

Jamey Eisenberg 

Denver Broncos

SB Nation

SB Nation has the Seahawks ahead with four votes and  two for the Broncos.



Ryan Van Bibber

Seattle Seahawks

Joel Thorman

Seattle Seahawks

Jason Chilton

Seattle Seahawks

Stephen White

Denver Broncos

David Fucillo

Denver Broncos

Matt Ufford

Seattle Seahawks

Who are other athletes and celebrities betting on to win the Super Bowl?

If you’re the type to believe the words of celebrities no matter what their field of expertise is, then this short rundown of predictions from pro athletes to other entertainment personalities might help you decide which team to pick for Super Bowl XLVIII.

Rob Ford

The self-admitted crack-smoking politician that Toronto, Canada voted to run their city didn’t have to say which team he’s rooting for in the Super Bowl XLVIII, instead, he showed it.

Pick: Denver Broncos

Lil Wayne

“Honestly, I don’t want to use the word ‘surprised,’ but it is unexpected to see Seattle in the Super Bowl. I expected Peyton. He’s been there before, and I love Russell Wilson. But they are not playing in Seattle.  I just can’t see Peyton losing.”

Pick: Denver Broncos

Carmelo Anthony, Denver Broncos

The Knicks star forward promptly gave advice to bettors after being asked for his pick:

“If I was a betting man, I wouldn’t bet against Peyton [Manning].”

Pick: Denver Broncos

Joe Gannascoli

Meanwhile, The Sopranos actor expects the Seahawks’ defense to overwhelm Peyton Manning and the Broncos.

Pick: Seattle Seahawks

Animals that predict Super Bowl winner

If rodents like Phil from Punxsutawney are relied on to tell us how early will spring come, then who are we to contradict the animal kingdom when it comes to deciding matters as frivolous as the Super Bowl winner.

[sc:NFL240banner ]That’s why the next time one of your mates grabbed a creature from the waters and asked for its football opinions, don’t think of him like a desperate dude. Because, believe it or not, trusting the airtight logic of animals is a thing.

Psychic Manatees

Manatee, NFL, Super Bowl Predictions, Super Bowl

Prior to Super Bowl XLVII, two manatees (Buffet and Hugh) in Sarasota, Florida, correctly predicted the Baltimore Ravens to win by simply swimming over to the Ravens’ logo. This season, Buffet and Hugh chose the Broncos and Seahawks. Worth noting is Buffet’s higher winning percentage, having successfully predicted the last four winners.

Pick: Both Denver Broncos & Seattle Seahawks

Tyke the Raccoon

After keeping his audience’s breathe on hold for a few seconds, Tyke the Raccoon selected the Denver Broncos to win Super Bowl XLVIII. A trusted source as he’s the Porcupine who correctly guessed that the Nebraska Cornhuskers would win last year’s Gator Bowl.

Pick: Denver Broncos

Teddy Bear the Porcupine

This adorable member of the rodent family threw every statistic analysis out the window and opted for his instincts, choosing the Seahawks to be the last team standing.

Pick: Seattle Seahawks

How do computer simulations predict the Super Bowl to go?

Even machines attempt to accurately predict the outcome of Sunday’s big game. Here’s a couple of computer picks for Super Bowl XLVIII.

EA Madden NFL 25

EA Sports released a video of a simulation game between the Broncos and Seahawks. It ends with Denver winning in overtime, 31-28.

Pick: Denver Broncos


Meanwhile, a computer named The Predictalator took the things to another level by running 50,000 simulations of the upcoming Super Bowl. The result favored the Seahawks, whom it deemed to win by an average score of 23.8-21.5

Pick: Seattle Seahawks


Now, let’s combine all the predictions and see which team has the most picks to win Super Bowl XLVIII.

  • Denver Broncos: 12
  • Seattle Seahawks: 12

Well, we have a tie. If only one of the manatees decided to follow the other…

The grand sporting event that is the Super Bowl is just 1 week away. Head over to Top Bet sportsbook while you have time to see the latest Super Bowl XLVIII odds and lines. You will also find a variety of NFL game props to bet on. Plus find out how you can claim your $10 Super Bowl free bet!

How did past Super Bowl teams perform for bettors

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Written by Rex

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